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in pennsylvania, a steel mill and its workers at a crossroads

by:Luteng CNC Parts     2020-09-17
It\'s going to be in Breckenridge, Pa. —
Chris camings, a repair mechanic, has been working for two years. m. to 7 p. m.
Help prepare a huge $1 opening day a Saturday.
2 billion of the rolling mill should bring hundreds of safe, good
Find a job in Allegheny Valley. But then Mr.
Kalmings\'s employer, Allegheny Technology, locked him and his colleagues.
Workers in their union, United Steel Workers, refused to accept far
The company said a concession was crucial to helping compete with domestic rivals and Chinese imports. Since Aug.
On the 15 th, Allegheny locked 2,200 workers at 12 factories in six states, which has become one of the largest and longest shutdowns in the United States in years.
In recent decades, with the weakening of the Union, more companies have turned to closing the union to get gifts from their workers.
In a recent showdown, Allegheny has become the largest and most combat-effective industrial alliance in the United States.
If the steel workers lose, it may trigger another wave of me.
Too much concession represents a further humiliation of the organized workforce, just as it began to make progress on other fronts.
Richard Hurd, professor of industrial and labor relations at Cornell University, said: \"It\'s no doubt that employers are playing hard battles . \".
\"It puts a lot of pressure on workers and unions.
Three of Allegheny. and-a-half-
This month\'s shutdown has caused a painful blow to this aging blue
From Pittsburgh in the town of huanguan, the Moon Creek, don\'t doubt whether there is a new rolling mill, its bright blue wall is 40 feet high, and the big economy that can be provided boosts the promise.
Company executives say they need lower labor costs and no one will benefit if the new plant does not thrive in the global economy.
But many steel workers say Allegheny is working to boost its prosperity at the expense of its own interests.
They argue that the company is destroyed by the middle class of the country required by the industrial center 2
Provide a layered contract with lower benefits for future employees, adhere to the four
Annual wages are frozen and many employees are required to pay at least $2,000 per year for medical insurance.
\"Is this the return of our overtime work to help the new factory open? ” asked Mr. Cummings.
\"I think it is absolutely necessary for the company to remain competitive.
But they asked too much. ”During his 70-
Work one hour a week
Camings says he often goes home after his now 6-year-old son and his 20-month-old daughter go to bed.
\"My wife told me she felt like a single mother,\" he said . \".
After the company locked the workers outside the door, it brought hundreds of temporary replacements.
Union workers patrol outside the factory around the clock with signs of mocking replacement workers and saying \"Danger: scabs trying to run the factory\" and \"scabs equals shame \".
Fran Arab, president of the local steel Workers Association, said, \"we should cut the ribbon now, not picketing.
\"A week, a week, locked --
The workers are becoming more and more anxious.
The company terminated their health insurance on November. 30.
Christmas and cold weather are coming, and their 6-month unemployment insurance will expire in February. Robert S.
Weatherby, president of Allegheny apartments-
The company said it needed to try to bargain because of a major change in the market.
Stainless steel prices have fallen by 30% since April, and Chinese producers have gained a larger share of the business.
Apartment of the company-
He said there were 10 quarterly losses in the past 11 quarters. Mr.
According to Wetherbee, Allegheny\'s workers are well paid, with an average of $70 an hour, including pensions, health insurance, overtime and paid leave, which is $20 per hour higher than their competitors.
The union said the figures were greatly exaggerated.
\"For the stainless steel part of our business, this has become a competitive issue and a survival problem to some extent . \"Wetherbee said.
\"With this factory, we invest nearly $400,000 per job in the Allegheny Valley.
Now we are obliged to keep our business competitive.
New Rolling Mill-
Four football fields
Is the miracle of automation.
Workers had a hunch to monitor the control panels of six powerful milling machines that could Press, squeeze, and flatten twofoot-thick red-
Hot slate for nearly a mile
In a few seconds, a long roll of thin steel plate. With one-
The third of Allegheny Blue
White-collar workers eligible to retire before 2020
Wetherbee says it makes sense to look for two people. tier contract.
\"We are facing one time. in-a-
The opportunity to change the cost curve on a large part of our cost, \"he said.
\"If we are going to be competitive, we have to provide a different benefit structure for the next generation we hire.
Like many unions, the United States Iron and Steel Workers\' Federation has rejected the two companies.
They believe that they have betrayed the offspring and created tensions between the old and the young workers.
Steel workers complain that Allegheny wants to replace traditional pensions with less generous 401 (k)
It\'s for the new workers, give them a health plan that is not as good as the current workers. Under the two-
More important advice is that future workers after retirement will have a smaller health plan without life insurance.
Tom Conway said: \"Today\'s Chinese crisis does not mean that people who go to the company to work in 35 years and retire should not retire . \" Vice President of steel workers in charge of overseeing negotiations
\"In this negotiation, we have taken major initiatives to share more medical expenses, but this is not enough for them.
Not long ago, when the company was called Allegheny --
Ludlum, the workers affectionately called \"Uncle Al\" because of their generosity \".
But steel workers say
After 30 years at Alcoa, Wetherbee joined Allegheny in 2010, bringing a more adversarial approach.
\"He told us that it is impossible for them to be this kind of parent-teacher . \"Conway said.
\"If this is a parent-style, I don\'t want to see what it is like to abuse parents.
Analysts disagree on the concessions the company is seeking.
Paul Clark, dean of the school of labor and employment relations at Penn State University, said Allegheny was trying to take advantage of a temporary drop in prices and profits to make substantial permanent cuts.
He said: \"They are using the excuse of the downturn in the industry, not just to adapt to the new situation;
They want to go far beyond the economic downturn.
But John Tumazos, an analyst in the steel industry from the Netherlands. J.
The practice of the Union was criticized.
\"The president of the trade union, Leo Gerrard, is thinking about this century --
The old model, held a rally in downtown Pittsburgh and mill town, when the company was between a rock and a hard place, \"he said. Tumazos said.
\"The union did not make things better.
They should hold a protest rally in Beijing.
According to Allegheny Technologies, the average wage for steel workers last year was $94,000, including incentive pay and overtime pay.
Dan Greenfield, the company\'s vice president for investor relations, said: \"It\'s not the middle class, it\'s the middle and upper class . \".
Todd Barbiaux, a bridge crane operator, mocked the figure, saying it did not take into account the unusual circumstances of last year.
\"We\'re actually $60,000. a-
Even in the $24 base salary of steel workers, he said, the incentive salary was increased and the difference on Sunday. 99 an hour.
With the effort to build a new factory, he made $100,000 last year just because \"a lot of 80-
One hour a week, over 600 hours of overtime.
But it\'s not normal, he said.
\"You work a year and a half.
\"Steel workers are further infuriating as they were detained and made major concessions to Allegheny CEO Richard Harshman, who received $8 million in compensation last year, up 70% from the previous session.
His salary of 2014 rose because of a higher base salary of $1.
4 million bonus, more stock rewards and a higher value pension. Mr.
Harshman told analysts in October that the company\'s production was in line with expectations despite the shutdown.
But the steel workers are controversial.
They said that when they spent a day picketing, they saw a lot less trucks carrying steel rolls out of the factory.
The union claimed that the company had violated the labor law, required the National Labor Relations Commission to declare that the shutdown was illegal and ordered the company to pay a arrears of more than $30 million.
Company officials insist the shutdown is legal.
Scott larlibert, who patched the brick lining in Allegheny\'s steel stove, said he sometimes worked for 30 consecutive days last year, which allowed him to save extra money.
But the body is too stressed.
\"You don\'t feel like you have a life,\" he said . \"
He said the suspension had a further impact on his family.
He said: \"If this continues, I may find another job and stop going back.
They will lose a lot of good people.
\"After agreeing to the additional work, the Union wishes to return to the normal working day
It takes a long time to get the new mill running. Mr.
Laliberte and other steel workers are angry at the company\'s proposal, which allows it to ask for a schedule that it considers appropriate, including 16-
70 days per hourhour weeks. Mr.
Mr Wetherby said Mr Allegheny would never have had the opportunity to cut costs and make sure it was profitable.
\"We decided we couldn\'t kick the jar any more,\" he said . \".
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